Strong sponsorship for 2024

Thanks to Bernie Weitzman and Vince Donohoe for their hard work in generating sponsors for 2024.

Advertisement for Forestview Retirement Residence, which sponsors Willowdale Lawn Bowling Club
"We've had a great response to our request for sponsors," Bernie says. "We believe that sponsorship is an important component of the club's financial future."

This year's lineup of sponsors includes some returning names and a number of new ones. Additionally, some sponsors have chosen to support more than one event.

"One of the benefits of sponsorship is the potential for a four-foot by eight-foot banner on our fence facing Beecroft Road," Bernie says. "Our research has shown that up to two-point-five million cars go by the club each season, which represents an excellent opportunity for sponsors."

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Full house for Bill Donald Memorial Tournament

The Bill Donald Memorial Tournament on September 23 was a well attended tribute to Bill’s contributions to our club and the Ontario lawn bowling community.

It was truly a celebration of Bill’s life. There was some excellent competition among twelve teams of mixed triples that drew players from Woodstock, Pickering, Brampton, Cosburn, Midland, Agincourt and, of course, Willowdale. Top prize went to Willowdale bowler Albert Wu, playing with Stanley and Helena Ho of Agincourt.

A delicious lunch was organized by life member Emma Varga, supported by volunteers of the club’s excellent kitchen crew. There was more than enough food to go around and desserts, of course, were plentiful. Canterbury Place donated cake and cookies.

The gathering resembled a reunion of past Willowdale presidents. Lorne Reid, Willowdale LBC president in 1982, was joined by Roger Thompson (1999), Emma Varga (2000), Anne Baille (2004), Elmer Mittelstaedt (2005), Sharon Jeffrey (2006 & 2008), Susan Leong (2013-14) and Gordon Jones (2011-2013, 2018-2023).

Five members of the Donald family attended the day’s celebration, as well as long-time members Alice Mittelstaedt, Brook Reid, Andy and Carol Watson, George Meek, Kerry Peters, Carole Barker and Doreen Semple.

A wonderful time was had by all!

Don and Jack win silver at Ontario 55+ Summer Games

Don and Jack win silver

Willowdale members Don Rayko and Jack Siboni (centre in the picture above) represented District 16 at the Ontario 55+ Summer Games held in Brantford from August 9 to 11. Don and Jack came away with silver medals in a marathon event.

After winning all four games in the round robin (three games on Thursday and one Friday morning), they played the semi-final game and ended up in the final Friday afternoon, losing to District 15 representatives Lan Tran and Cathy Larkin.

"With six games in two days, we just ran out of gas," admits Don, who also admitted that he hadn't played three games in a day (let alone six over two days) in quite some time.

Julie and Eric Bergman also represented District 16. They went 1-2 in round robin play, losing to the teams that won bronze and gold.

The games were well-organized and a lot of fun. The next games are in 2025. If you're even remotely interested, give it some thought. The event was well worth attending.

Despite the gruelling schedule, Don managed to get a picture with Pachi, head cheerleader of the games. Lawn bowling was played in picturesque St. George, Ontario, about 10 minutes north of Brantford.

4 Zee Australian Ladies' Pairs 2-4-2

4 zee photo
Participants of the 4 Zee Australian Ladies' Pairs pose for a picture.
The tournament was won by Helena Ho and Laila Hassan.

The 4 Zee Australian Ladies' Pairs 2-4-2 tournament was held on the artificial surface on Wednesday, June 14.

Australian pairs is a unique game. The lead throws two bowls, the skip throws four bowls and then the lead throws another two.

The tournament was sponsored by Gordon Jones, our club president, to honour his late wife, Zee Jones.

Zee was a great bowler and a tireless supporter of lawn bowling in general and the Willowdale Lawn Bowling club specifically.

Willowdale consolidates tournaments, increases prize money

Tournament bowler delivering while others rake
Willowdale Lawn Bowling Club (LBC) has consolidated its tournament schedule for 2023. And because of a strong sponsorship program this year, guaranteed prize money for winning teams has been increased.

“We have had fantastic sponsorship this year,” says Jack Siboni, tournament director for Willowdale LBC. “This has enabled us to offer five times the entry fee to winning teams.”

The number of tournaments has been reduced from eleven to six:
  • Leeswood Construction Open Triples on Saturday, May 20.
  • DelManor North York Mixed Triples on Monday, June 5.
  • 4 Zee Australian Women’s Pairs, sponsored by Gordon Jones, on Wednesday, June 14.
  • RBC Dominion Securities Gold Cup Men’s Triples on Sunday, August 13.
The Dignity Memorial Open Pairs tournament on Saturday, July 8 offers a guaranteed $200 first prize to the winning pairs team.

The only tournament for which a minimum prize hasn’t yet been set is the ever-popular Bill Donald Memorial Novice Pairs on Saturday, September 23.

The entry fee for all tournaments, except one, is $20. The entry fee for the Bill Donald Memorial is $25 because lunch is provided. Please bring your lunch for all other tournaments.

To register for any of the tournaments,
click here to use the special registration page or contact Jack Siboni at (416) 493-1898 or by e-mail at jsiboni (at) rogers (dot) com.

Willowdale bowlers win national seniors' trebles championship

arnie albert hosein square 2
Willowdale member Albert Wu (centre), skipped a men's senior triples team comprised of Willowdale member Arnie Markowitz (left) and former Willowdale member Hosein Zhian (right).
The trio travelled to Victoria to win the national championship on August 25, 2022.

Congratulations Albert, Arnie and Hosein.

Chrystal and Elizabeth win national women's pairs

gold medal photo
Elizabeth Cormack (left) and Chrystal Shephard show off the women's pairs trophy they earned on August 15, 2022, at the national championships held in Burlington, Ontario.

The pair lost only one game in the round robin portion of the tournament. Their bowling was nothing short of spectacular during the entire tournament and especially during the playoffs.

Congratulations Elizabeth and Chrystal!

Willowdale hosts provincial junior championships

Junior tournament participants
Willowdale hosted the provincial youth lawn bowling championships on July 2 and 3. Twelve young bowlers competed for a chance to play in the national championships in Port Credit, ON, which will be held July 31 to August 6.

Eight males and four females competed in round robin play on Saturday. Playoffs were held Sunday.

As we all know, the adjustment from grass to carpet (or vice-versa) takes some time. By the playoff round on Sunday, however, the young people made their adjustments.

There were some excellent shots made by all the bowlers in the elimination round. And the shots continued to improve through the games for gold, silver and bronze. There was much polite applause from spectators for shots well made on every rink.

Noah LaRoche (Burlington) took the gold, Jacob Hyatt (Cobourg) the silver and Jack Reistetter (Oakville) the bronze in the male category.

Ella Conlin (Oakville) took the gold, Ella Hammond (Oakville) the silver and Veronica McLean (Oakville) the bronze in the female category.

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped make the weekend a success. The grounds looked great. The coffee and snacks flowed. And any problem that arose was solved.

Well done, everyone!

Donohoe skips provincial winning team

vince and team
Willowdale member Vince Donahoe skipped the men's fours team to gold at the provincial championships in Hanover on June 11 to 13.

Vince, on the left, is joined by lead Gary Butineau(Midland), second Mark McFayden (Port Credit) and vice-skip Glen Patton (Midland).

Interestingly, for a period of time Vince technically held both provincial singles and fours titles. He won the men's division in 2019 as a solo bowler. Because of COVID, the next provincial champion was crowned July 10, 2022. Vince and his teammates represented Ontario in the national championships in Burlington in August 2022, finishing fourth. Congratulations Vince et al.