Special General Meeting
Sunday, Feb 11
1:30 to 3:00 p.m.

During the winter months, a number of members of the board of directors have been working diligently to pursue incorporation for Willowdale Lawn Bowling Club.

As a result of that process, the board of directors is calling a special meeting of members on Sunday, February 11, 2024, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Member resolutions need to be passed in order to meet the legal requirements of incorporating a not-for-profit association like ours. If those resolutions are passed and the paper work is filed before March 1, 2024, Willowdale Lawn Bowling Club will be eligible to apply for large Trillium Foundation grants as early as next year.

We need those grants to make the capital investments that will keep our club vibrant and thriving. One of our first applications, for example, is intended to be nearly $200,000 to resurface the artificial green.

Please join us in person, or let us know if you’d like to attend via telephone or other electronic means.

It’s critical that we have a quorum at the start of the meeting to get the resolutions passed to meet all necessary legal requirements.

Proxies are possible
If you’re unable to attend the February 11 meeting, please take the time to assign your proxy to another member.

If you’re accepting a proxy, please be aware that each voting member is only allowed to bring one proxy to the meeting.

Please attend in person, via electronic means, or click on this link to assign your proxy to another member.

See you (or your proxy) on February 11!

Sunday jitneys going strong:
Bring-a-Friend on Sunday, February 4

satish mat bowling
There has been a strong turnout for Sunday afternoon jitneys.

“It depends on the week, but we can have as many as 15 people playing darts or short mat,” says Don Rayko, who is organizing Sunday afternoons at the clubhouse. “It’s been a lot of fun. And we’ve been able to do it safely.”

On Sunday, February 4, from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m., the jitney will be played in socks to support the theme of a socks drive that day. If you’d like to attend, please feel free to bring a friend to introduce that person to our game.

The short mats will be rolled up just after 3:00 p.m. to make room for our winter barbecue and community socks drive, co-hosted by Councillor Cheng. If you’re interested in helping out as a volunteer, please send Don Rayko an e-mail to let him know.

Either way, any donation you can make to our Sox Box will be greatly appreciated.

We hope to see you on February 4!

Winter Warm-up BBQ and Sock Drive
co-sponsored with Counillor Lily Cheng

Is it too ambitious to wish for reasonable weather in early February?

sox box
We’re hoping it isn’t because we’re co-hosting a winter warm-up barbecue and sock drive with Willowdale councillor Lily Cheng.

Join us at the clubhouse from 3:15 to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 4. Bring new, unwrapped socks to help us fill our Sox Box and we’ll trade your generosity for a hamburger or hot dog (vegan options will be available).

Councillor Cheng is inviting the broader community to join us. We’re hoping to have the opportunity to talk to people about bowling and the facility. We’d love to have you help us make a positive impact on the community.

We’re going to have some short mat demonstrations and we’re asking club members and community neighbours to donate new, unwrapped socks for the unhoused and other individuals who are particularly vulnerable during the winter months.

If you have the time, please make time to join us at the clubhouse on Sunday, February 4. Help us fill our Sox Box!