Willowdale consolidates tournaments, increases prize money

Tournament bowler delivering while others rake
Willowdale Lawn Bowling Club (LBC) has consolidated its tournament schedule for 2023. And because of a strong sponsorship program this year, guaranteed prize money for winning teams has been increased.

“We have had fantastic sponsorship this year,” says Jack Siboni, tournament director for Willowdale LBC. “This has enabled us to offer five times the entry fee to winning teams.”

The number of tournaments has been reduced from eleven to six:
  • Leeswood Construction Open Triples on Saturday, May 20.
  • DelManor North York Mixed Triples on Monday, June 5.
  • 4 Zee Australian Women’s Pairs, sponsored by Gordon Jones, on Wednesday, June 14.
  • RBC Dominion Securities Gold Cup Men’s Triples on Sunday, August 13.
The Dignity Memorial Open Pairs tournament on Saturday, July 8 offers a guaranteed $200 first prize to the winning pairs team.

The only tournament for which a minimum prize hasn’t yet been set is the ever-popular Bill Donald Memorial Novice Pairs on Saturday, September 23.

The entry fee for all tournaments, except one, is $20. The entry fee for the Bill Donald Memorial is $25 because lunch is provided. Please bring your lunch for all other tournaments.

To register for any of the tournaments, click here to use the special registration page or contact Jack Siboni at (416) 493-1898 or by e-mail at jsiboni (at) rogers (dot) com.

Two open houses in May

lorine and valerie open house promo.001

If you know anyone who might be interested in learning more about lawn bowls, please send them along. We’d like to grow our membership so that more people can take advantage of our oasis in the heart of North York.

And if you’re a member, please feel free to join us. We’re always looking for experienced bowlers (even those who are slightly experienced) to help newbies out.