Full house for Bill Donald Memorial Tournament

The Bill Donald Memorial Tournament on September 23 was a well attended tribute to Bill’s contributions to our club and the Ontario lawn bowling community.

It was truly a celebration of Bill’s life. There was some excellent competition among twelve teams of mixed triples that drew players from Woodstock, Pickering, Brampton, Cosburn, Midland, Agincourt and, of course, Willowdale. Top prize went to Willowdale bowler Albert Wu, playing with Stanley and Helena Ho of Agincourt.

A delicious lunch was organized by life member Emma Varga, supported by volunteers of the club’s excellent kitchen crew. There was more than enough food to go around and desserts, of course, were plentiful. Canterbury Place donated cake and cookies.

The gathering resembled a reunion of past Willowdale presidents. Lorne Reid, Willowdale LBC president in 1982, was joined by Roger Thompson (1999), Emma Varga (2000), Anne Baille (2004), Elmer Mittelstaedt (2005), Sharon Jeffrey (2006 & 2008), Susan Leong (2013-14) and Gordon Jones (2011-2013, 2018-2023).

Five members of the Donald family attended the day’s celebration, as well as long-time members Alice Mittelstaedt, Brook Reid, Andy and Carol Watson, George Meek, Kerry Peters, Carole Barker and Doreen Semple.

A wonderful time was had by all!