4-3-2-1 up and running

Another season of 4-3-2-1 is up and running at Willowdale Lawn Bowling Club. This photo shows those who showed up May 8.

4-3-2-1, a Wednesday evening staple at the club, kicked off its schedule on a decidedly chilly May 8. This is a drop-in event that runs Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. If you're available, stop by.

Players at all skill levels are welcome. Just turn up and have fun.

The hardy souls who braved the first chilly evening—Dickson, Ismail, Marilyn, Lily and Bernie—were greeted with a special 4-3-2-1 cake.

4-3-2-1 continues every Wednesday through the season.

Opening day ... the fourth was with us!

Ann is explaining something while everyone looks on at the Willowdale Lawn Bowling Club.

The club got off to a strong start on Saturday, May the Fourth. About 40 members gathered to kick off the 2024 season.

Councillor Lily Cheng threw the first bowl and Brian Spooner won the bottle of wine at the spider draw. A 10-end jitney was played and there there was lots of laughter to go around.

To view more pix, click here to go to the gallery.

Strong sponsorship for 2024

Thanks to Bernie Weitzman and Vince Donohoe for their hard work in generating sponsors for 2024.

Advertisement for Forestview Retirement Residence, which sponsors Willowdale Lawn Bowling Club
"We've had a great response to our request for sponsors," Bernie says. "We believe that sponsorship is an important component of the club's financial future."

This year's lineup of sponsors includes some returning names and a number of new ones. Additionally, some sponsors have chosen to support more than one event.

"One of the benefits of sponsorship is the potential for a four-foot by eight-foot banner on our fence facing Beecroft Road," Bernie says. "Our research has shown that up to two-point-five million cars go by the club each season, which represents an excellent opportunity for sponsors."

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Opening Day 2024
Saturday, May 4, 1:00 p.m.

Photo of members of Willowdale Lawn Bowling Club enjoying a sunny day of bowling

Opening day is Star Wars day in 2024 (May the fourth be with all of us!).

Councillor Lily Cheng will roll the first ceremonial bowl at 1:00 p.m. After that, we'll have a spider roll. Donations will be accepted from those who wish to roll and proceeds will be forwarded to the local food bank.

When the spider roll winner is congratulated, we'll have a 10-end jitney followed by potluck desserts (so please feel free to bring your sweetest treats).

If you're planning on joining the jitney, please arrive before 12:45 for team selection.

See you on the 4th!

Short-mat bowling continues Feb 18

blima shrugging
During Sunday’s barbecue and sock drive, the short-mats were rolled up and put away to make space for visitor tables and chairs.

The mats will be rolled back into place after the special general meeting on Sunday, February 11.

As a result, there will be no short-mat bowling until the next jitney meet-up on Sunday, February 18 from 1:30 to 4:00 pm.

If you’re around, Don Rayko is promising something special at the clubhouse for Sunday, March 24 (the Sunday before Easter).

He says that it may involve some tasty treats, so stay tuned for more news to come.

Winter Warm-up BBQ and Sock Drive
co-sponsored with Counillor Lily Cheng

Is it too ambitious to wish for reasonable weather in early February?

sox box
We’re hoping it isn’t because we’re co-hosting a winter warm-up barbecue and sock drive with Willowdale councillor Lily Cheng.

Join us at the clubhouse from 3:15 to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 4. Bring new, unwrapped socks to help us fill our Sox Box and we’ll trade your generosity for a hamburger or hot dog (vegan options will be available).

Councillor Cheng is inviting the broader community to join us. We’re hoping to have the opportunity to talk to people about bowling and the facility. We’d love to have you help us make a positive impact on the community.

We’re going to have some short mat demonstrations and we’re asking club members and community neighbours to donate new, unwrapped socks for the unhoused and other individuals who are particularly vulnerable during the winter months.

If you have the time, please make time to join us at the clubhouse on Sunday, February 4. Help us fill our Sox Box!

August 7 jitney "best spread in quite some time"

aug 7 food spread
A few dozen brave souls ignored grey skies and an iffy weather forecast to make their way to the club for the pot luck jitney on Monday, August 7.

They were no doubt glad they did. The food was fantastic and there was plenty of it.

Between games, president Gordon Jones thanked everyone for their participation and praised the food, saying that "it was the best spread we've had at the club in quite some time."

(So good, in fact, that we're going to do it again for Labour Day, but we're getting ahead of ourselves.)

Gordon also recognized Chrystal Shephard, who is representing Ontario at the national lawn bowling championships in Victoria, BC, which are being held at the Juan de Fuca Lawn Bowls Club August 18-26.

Gordon presented Chrystal with a small token of appreciation on behalf of the board of directors and members to help her offset a few expenses.

It costs each competitor representing Ontario approximately $2,500 to compete in Victoria. The Ontario Lawn Bowls Association provides winners with $500 per competitor.

"Hopefully, this small token will help with the expenses you incur as you represent our club and our province," Gordon said.

Canada Day jitney extremely well attended

canada day single group shot

More than 50 Willowdale members and assorted guests showed up for our Canada Day jitney.

The first 10-end game began at 10 a.m. With seven rinks available on the grass, the draw had to be closed at 42 bowlers, seven games of trebles.

The teams were established with an excellent mix of experienced and new bowlers. We even had four junior bowlers attend—students who have been volunteering their time at the club over the past few months.

After the first game, food was served. It was the best attended event since before the pandemic.

Thanks to everyone who helped make the day a success. The food was excellent and plentiful. The decorations were fantastic. And it’s the first time we’ve bowled on the centre green east-west since before the pandemic.

And thanks to Betty Tai for some excellent photos.

four action shot montage
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Opening day starts strong

group shot opening day
Opening day on Saturday, May 6 brought a strong turnout of more than 30 bowlers, who played a 10-end jitney to kick the year off.

The opening day Spider Roll was won by a guest at the club (who we’re hoping to sign up into a full-time member). After that, it was game on.

Thanks to everyone who came out to kick off our 61st year as a lawn bowling club.